Model rockets have the potential to cause injury to people and livestock , as well as damage to property.  It is important that rockets are flown safely and, to achieve this, FOG manages safety in two ways:
1.  By having a safety code that sets the minimum safety standards that are acceptable at the club.
2.   By appointing a Range Safety Officer (RSO) for each session.

FOG follows the safety code that was created by the BMFA specifically for model rockets.  A copy of this code can be found here.

The FOG committee appoints RSO from among its suitably experienced members who have demonstrated good judgement.

RSO appointments are approved in advance of launch events. To be selected as an RSO, members are required to:
1.    Have been a FOG member for two years.
2.    Limit their decisions to rocket and motor types with which they are personally
3.    Be approved by the club committee.

The current RSOs are
Phil Charlesworth
Dave Bishop  
David Tranter
High power rocketry flights may be conducted if members make their own arrangement for a UKRA certified RSO.  It should be noted that, according to UKRA criteria, the site is suitable for flights at H impulse.

This safety system does not exonerate members from their individual responsibilities.  SAFETY IS EVERYONE'S RESPONSIBILITY.
© FOG  2018    All rights reserved